Aegir Service Providers

Ægir Cooperative

The members of the Aegir core maintainers team, along with other contributors, service providers, and experts, have formed the Ægir Cooperative in order to:

  • Provide reliable, affordable support and consulting services for the Aegir Hosting System; and
  • Finance on-going maintenance and development of Aegir and related projects.

Contact the Ægir Coop for any Aegir-related expertise that you may require.

Other service providers

Below is a list of individual consulting and hosting firms offering paid support for the Aegir Hosting System:

✔ indicates that this firm is a member of the Ægir Cooperative.

If your firm provides Aegir-related services, but is not listed above, feel free to submit a pull request to add a link to your website here. Also, please consider joining the Ægir Cooperative, and contributing back to the project.